Get my Bachelor of Art in Scandinavian Studies & Philosophy
I'm studying Scandinavian Studies/Nordic Studies and Philosophy at the Humboldt University in Berlin.
It's the best university in Germany for Humanistics & Arts (and in the top of the world), and the best place to study Scandinavian Studies in general.
It was not easy to get in and I do enjoy my studies, but thanks to my mental disorder(s) I found the stress too much and consequently I am a bit behind.
The first two semesters were still okay, even though I dropped most of my philosophy classes right before the end because I was too scared the essays I'd hand in wouldn't be good enough. I stopped attending university at the end of the 3rd semester and will have to do some courses again. I got off for a semester for mental health reasons and now spend a semester in Copenhagen.
So even though time-wise I'd be in 5th semester now, it's more like the third.
It's definitely not an unrealistic goal to get my BA within these 1001 days! Afterall, I'll be 24 by the end of this mission! (Such a scary thought!)
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